Letter To The Editor Samples

Letter to the Editor Samples

    A letter to the editor is a written communication submitted by a reader or member of the public to a newspaper, magazine, or other publication. It is typically a brief piece of writing, usually just a few hundred words, in which the author expresses their opinion, offers commentary, or provides feedback on a previously published article, editorial, or topic of public interest.

letter to editor English grammar

Table of Contents

Format of a letter to the Editor


[Receiver's Address]

[Subject Line]


[Body of the Letter]

[Complimentary Closing]

[Ending the Letter]

Examples of Letter to the Editor

    Here are some examples of letter writing for students of Class 8, Class 9, Class 10, Class 11, and Class 12 which are essential for exam preparation including HSLC 2024 and HS 2024.

Q. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper complaining about frequent load shedding in your locality.


6th December 2023

    The Editor,
    The Assam Tribune

Subject: Regarding the problem of frequent load shedding.

Dear Sir,
    Through your esteemed daily, I would like to draw the attention of the concerned authority regarding the problem of frequent load shedding in our locality.

    Nowadays electricity has become a part and parcel of our daily life. We have the need for electricity almost in every aspect of life from household work to business purposes. Students have now forgotten to study without electricity. We are grateful to the government for the scheme of giving free electricity connection to the poor people. But these days the people of our locality have to go through much scarcity of electricity. People are harassed by the frequent load shedding.

    May I, therefore, appeal to the concerned authority to provide sufficient electricity in our locality. 

Yours faithfully
A Concerned Citizen

Q. Write a letter to the editor of a daily newspaper complaining about the problem of drinking water in your locality.


26th Sep 2023

    The Editor
    The Hindu

Subject: Regarding the problem of drinking water

Dear Sir/Madam, 
    Through your esteemed daily, I would like to draw the attention of the concerned authority regarding the problem of drinking water in our locality.

    Water is an important thing for the survival of any human being. Our region is not so far away from the town, but it is a matter of great misfortune that our region is deprived of a supply of pure drinking water. Most of the people of the region are agriculture-based and poor as well. People here collect water from ponds, wells, and tube wells. As a result of that people suffer from various kinds of diseases and they do not get proper treatment because of poverty. Every year people die of cholera, disorder of the stomach, etc. There is a Public Health Department. But it has been taking no sufficient steps.

    May I, therefore appeal to the concerned authorities to take sufficient steps regarding this serious problem.

Yours faithfully
A Concerned Citizen

Q. Write a letter to the editor of the Assam Tribune drawing attention to the concerned authorities to the sudden rise of the price of essential commodities in your locality.



The Editor
The Assam Tribune

Sub: Regarding the problem of a sudden rise in prices of essential commodities.


    Through your esteemed daily, I would like to draw the attention of the concerned authorities to the problem of the sudden rise of prices of essential commodities in our locality.

    During the past few days, it has been observed that the prices of essential commodities in our locality have suddenly risen very high and it has caused acute hardship among the people. The poor people of society in particular have faced the greatest problem arising out of the sudden increase of price-rate of the essential commodities. Besides the rise in prices, a large number of items like onion, sugar, oil, etc. have disappeared from the market. As a result, many poor people who live on daily wages are likely to starve.

    May I, therefore request the concerned authority to keep a sharp eye in this regard. We also request the authorities to open a few more fair-price shops in our locality.

Yours faithfully
A Concerned Citizen

✍️ Monoj Hazarika

FAQs on Letter to the Editor

1. Where can I find samples of letters to the editor?

Answer: You can find various samples of letters to the editor on Pi Assam.

2. How the samples of Letter to the Editor is helpful?

Answer: The samples of Letter to the Editor available on Pi Assam are for the students preparing for examinations like HSLC of Class 10 and HSSLC of Class 12 and also it is helpful for Classes 8, 9, and 11.

3. For which classes are these letter samples suitable?

Answer: The letter samples on Pi Assam are suitable for students of all classes, from elementary to high school and beyond.

4. Are the letter samples on www.piassam.com free to access?

Answer: Yes, the letter samples on Pi Assam are freely accessible to all users.

5. Can I use these letter samples as references for writing my own "Letter to the Editor"?

Answer: Absolutely, you can use the letter samples as references when writing your own "Letter to the Editor."

6. Can educators and teachers use these samples in their classrooms for teaching purposes?

Answer: Yes, educators and teachers can utilize the letter samples on Pi Assam as teaching resources to instruct students on the art of letter writing, journalism, and effective communication. These samples can be integrated into classroom lessons or assignments.

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