Preposition - Class 10 SEBA HSLC Exam Question Answers - English Grammar - Last 30 Years 1995-2024

Preposition - SEBA HSLC Exam Question Answers - English Grammar - Class 10 - Last 30 Years

Hello, dear! I’m sharing a compilation of preposition-related questions and answers from the past 30 years of SEBA HSLC exams from 1995-2024. Whether you're a student, teacher, or language lover, this post will greatly help you.

Preposition - Class 10 SEBA HSLC Exam

What are Prepositions?

Prepositions show the relationship between a noun (or pronoun) and other elements in a sentence. They often indicate direction, location, time, or method. Prepositions are essential for providing context and clarity in sentences.

Some common examples of Prepositions are: in, on, at, by, with, about, for, from, to, into, over, under, between, among, during, after, before, through, around, without, etc.

Q. Fill up the blanks with appropriate prepositions.


(a) The child was afraid ___ policemen.

Answer: of

(b) I can not agree ___ your suggestion.

Answer: to

(c) Anil felt pity ___ the thief.

Answer. for

(d) Don't be angry ___ me.

Answer: with

(e) You cannot rely ___ a liar.

Answer: on

(f) Tobacco is injurious ___ health.

Answer: to


(a) The prisoner was accused ___ murder.

Answer: of

(b) The poor man died ___ cancer.

Answer: of

(c) Flour is made ___ wheat.

Answer: from

(d) We are proud ___ country.

Answer: of

(e) The pupils were sitting ___ their desks.

Answer: at

(f) I wrote the note ___ ink.

Answer: in


(a) Please send reply ___ my letter.

Answer: to

(b) I shall look ___ the complaint.

Answer: into

(c) The principal presided ___ the meeting.

Answer: over

(d) My father was angry ___ this book.

Answer: about

(e) I cannot part ___ this book.

Answer: with

(f) We all sympathize ___ the poor man.

Answer: with


(a) Don’t boast ___ your wealth.

Answer: of

(b) The lame man lives ___ begging.

Answer: by

(c) He often suffers ___ illness.

Answer: from

(d) I bought this pen ___ five rupees.

Answer: for

(e) Shoes are made ___ leather.

Answer: of

(f) The student was sure ___ success.

Answer: of


(a) I warned him ___ driving so fast.

Answer: against

(b) The blind man lives ___ begging.

Answer: by

(c) Always beware ___ false friends.

Answer: of

(d) A greedy man hankers ___ money.

Answer: after

(e) He sent the letter ___ hand.

Answer: by

(f) The tiger lives ___ flesh.

Answer: on


(a) The ship was bound ___ India.

Answer: for

(b) Virtue consists ___ speaking the truth.

Answer: in

(c) I was amazed ___ his conduct.

Answer: at

(d) She gifted ___ a sweet voice.

Answer: with

(e) I cannot agree ____ your proposal.

Answer: to

(f) I have great regard ___ my teacher.

Answer: for


(a) She is gifted ___ a sweet voice.

Answer: with

(b) I can’t agree ___ your proposal.

Answer: to

(c) I have great regard ___ for my teachers.

Answer: for


(a) I am satisfied ___ your work.

Answer: with

(b) The boy was charged ___ stealing.

Answer: with

(c) You should be polite ___ your seniors.

Answer: to

(d) I have a distaste ___ pop music.

Answer: for


(a) Gandhi was convicted ___ lying.

Answer: of

(b) The labourer lives ___ hand to mouth.

Answer: from

(c) I warned him ___ driving so fast.

Answer: against

(d) Always beware ___ false friends.

Answer: of

(e) Great books deal ___ human problems.

Answer: with

(f) The teacher was annoyed ___ me.

Answer: with


(a) Socrates had no desire ___ wealth or comfort.

Answer: for

(b) Pay attention ___ what your teacher says.

Answer: to

(c) He is satisfied ___ his job.

Answer: with

(d) I am indebted ___ you for your help.

Answer: to

(e) Assam rich ___ minerals.

Answer: in

(f) One should be conscious ___ one’s wealth.

Answer: of


(a) Man does not live ___ bread alone.

Answer: by

(b) There is an exception ___ every rule.

Answer: to

(c) You should not boast ___ your wealth.

Answer: of

(d) Mr. Sarma presided ___ the meeting.

Answer: over

(e) She prefers tea ___ cold drinks.

Answer: to

(f) Nobody in the class could complete ___ Raju.

Answer: with

HSLC 2006

(a) I cannot part ___ this book.

Answer: with

(b) I was surprised ___ his behaviour.

Answer: at

(c) He will come back ___ an hour.

Answer: in

(d) The lame man lives ___ begging.

Answer: by

(e) Do not run ___ money.

Answer: out of

(f) She was tired ___ waiting for him.

Answer: of

HSLC 2007

(a) The train is bound ___ Howrah.

Answer: for

(b) One should not boast ___ one’s wealth.

Answer: of

(c) My sister excels ___ dancing.

Answer: in

(d) That man is devoid ___ common sense.

Answer: of

(e) This film is suitable ___ children.

Answer: for

(f) The girl parted ___ her parents in tears.

Answer: from

HSLC 2008

(a) Do not boast ___ your wealth.

Answer: about

(b) The ship was bound ___ India.

Answer: for

(c) He goes to school ___ bus.

Answer: by

(d) He has been suffering ___ fever.

Answer: from

(e) Assam is rich ___ minerals.

Answer: in

(f) I prefer tea ___ cold drinks.

Answer: to


(a) Shoes are made ___ leather.

Answer: of

(b) I cannot agree ___ your proposal.

Answer: with

(c) The man repented ___ his past misdeeds.

Answer: of

(d) She is gifted ___ a sweet voice.

Answer: with

(e) Man doesn’t live ___ bread alone.

Answer: by

(f) Always beware ___ false friends.

Answer: of

HSLC 2010

(a) What is the time ___ your watch?

Answer: on

(b) This is a quotation ___ Milton.

Answer: from

(c) You should provide well ___ your children.

Answer: for

(d) He has not yet recovered ___ his illness.

Answer: from

(e) He sympathized ___ me in my sorrow.

Answer: with

(f) The old man is hard ___ hearing.

Answer: of

HSLC 2011

(a) There was a noise children ___ play.

Answer: of, at

(b) Her mother is ___ the town council.

Answer: on

(c) The teacher knows his students ___ name.

Answer: by

(d) Babysitters are a boon ___ parents.

Answer: to

HSLC 2012

(a) I met him ___ street.

Answer: on

(b) Please pay attention ___ your studies.

Answer: to

(c) He is an authority ___ science.

Answer: on

(d) The teacher is full control ___ the class.

Answer: of

HSLC 2013

(a) Happiness consists ___ speaking the truth.

Answer: in

(b) One should be honest ___ dealing with fellowmen.

Answer: in

HSLC 2014

(a) She is looking ___ a domestic help.

Answer: for

(b) The burden seemed to much ___ him.

Answer: for

HSLC 2015

(a) Health is preferable ___ wealth.

Answer: to

(b) He is angry ___ his naughty sister.

Answer: with

HSLC 2016

(a) The cow lives ___ grass.

Answer: on

(b) He lives ___ hand to mouth.

Answer: from

(c) He is appointed ___ the post.

Answer: to

(d) She is junior ___ me by three years.

Answer: to

HSLC 2017

(a) We go to school ___ bus.

Answer: by

(b) I am senior ___ your sister.

Answer: to

(c) The president presided ___ the meeting.


(d) She excels ___ dancing.

Answer: in

HSLC 2018

(a) He always runs ___ money.

Answer: after

(b) Flour is made ____ wheat.

Answer: from

(c) Write your answers ___ black ink.

Answer: in

(d) The cow lives ___ grass.

Answer: on

HSLC 2019

(a) The train is bound ___ Delhi.

Answer: for

(b) Assam is rich ___ minerals.

Answer: in

(c) I met him ____ on street.

Answer: on

(d) Happiness consists ___ speaking the truth.

Answer: in

HSLC 2020

(a) They are satisfied ___ your work.

Answer: with

(b) Man doesn’t live ___ bread alone.


(c) Rita excels ___ dancing.

Answer: in

(d) He is looking ___ a domestic help.

Answer: for

HSLC 2021

(a) The old man died ___ Covid-19.

Answer: of

(b) Death is preferable ___ dishonour.

Answer: to

(c) Mina comes ___ a rich family.

Answer: of

(d) Butter is made ___ milk.

Answer: from

HSLC 2022

(a) They are sitting ___ the dining table.

Answer: at

(b) Ravi is senior ___ me by two years.

Answer: to

(c) He was prevented ___ going to Delhi.

Answer: from

(d) Flour is made ___ wheat.

Answer: from

HSLC 2023

(a) Put the cup ___ the dish. (at/in/on/over)

Answer: on

(b) The cows are ___ the field. (in/on/to/by)

Answer: in

(c) Lila lives ___ her parents. (by/with/upon/at)

Answer: with

(d) He is fond ___ reading novels.

Answer: of

(e) This shop deals ___ stationery.

Answer: in

HSLC 2024

(a) The train will stop ___ many stations.

Answer: at

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Class 10 SEBA HSLC's Last 30 Years

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